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We are taking bookings now!

Asa Richards

We open our doors next week on the 9th May and we could not be more excited. Patients are already recognising the difference a fully independent hearing care provider offers and booking in to see us to resolve their wax build up or for a completely free up to date hearing consultation.

The Clevedon Hearing Clinic will be the second created by Asa Richards after the success of The Chepstow Hearing Clinic, which has helped over 500 patients in the last 6 months alone and has a 5 star Google Review rating. That is the highest possible endorsement our patients can provide us for the services and aftercare we offer.

He has this to say about opening our doors to Clevedon, "Having our fully independent, family owned clinics providing hearing services to the local community whilst upholding the highest level of aftercare is a non negotiable for us. I have worked with the big high street retailers amongst others and am so proud to offer something different to patients, something truly personalised to them. I am thrilled to be opening next week in Clevedon and for our new patients to see what we offer and why we have become recognised as the number one provider of hearing care in Chepstow, with most GP surgeries now referring their patients to us. I look forward to seeing you soon."

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